Note 1: If an element has a padding, border or margin and inherits the calculated width of its parent element, then it should overflow the parent element by the total of padding, border, or margin attached to it. In case a browser doesn't render the overflow I would see this as a problem with overflow rather than with inheriting a width value.
Note 2: With the inheritage of percentage values, it seems like in some cases the specified value is being inherited, i.e. '70%', rather than the computed value.
Note 3: Netscape 4.8, even though it displays a specified width correctly within simple settings, there are cases of nested elements where it does not.
Note 4: Opera 6 seems to consider 100% equal to the width of the browser window minus width of the vertical scrollbar, even if no scrollbar is rendered.
Note 5: Where line-height is set to inherit , NN 4.7 displays only a part of the element.
Note 6: It appears like IE/Win 6 renders top , bottom and middle not quite the way the specification requires.
Note 7: The inline block gets rendered but its text appears within its margin-top area (instead of within the content area), directly beneath the previous line.
Note 8: NN 4.8 doesn't render bullets in front of list items.
Note 9: Mozilla 1.3/Win: With position:fixed and negative values for right , in some circumstances some scrambled part of the screen picture appears to cover the scrollbar. Everything is displayed correctly and the scrollbar works fine though.
Note 10: In some cases boxes are displayed correctly after moving the scrollbar only. Also top and bottom aren't displayed correctly in all cases if a %-value is given.
Note 11: If positioned bottom , an element seems to occupy most of the vertical space of the containing block.
Note 12:
position:fixed — we all know about this problem, no explanation needed..
Note 13: If a percentage value is given, IE/Win 6 offsets the boxes by a larger distance than what is indicated by the size of the containing block and the given percentage.
Note 14: Mozilla 1.3/Win: With position:relative a given %-value for top or bottom seems to be ignored even if the containing block has a height value assigned.
Note 15: IE/Win 6: If an element B follows an element A with element A floated to one side and element B floated to the opposite side, then clear on element B (and in some cases subsequent floated elements) doesn't seem to have any effect.
Note 16: Opera 6: The value scroll is displayed like hidden , and auto is displayed like visible .
Note 17: This property was tested with regard to the requirements lined out in CSS 2.1, not CSS 2. Mozilla 1.3: the given legth values seem to be applied around the four sides in the order top, left, bottom, right. According to the specification, it should be top, right, bottom, left. IE/Win: As position:fixed isn't possible, this property can't be rendered in all absolutely positioned elements.
Note 18: The value collapse seems to have no effect on table columns and table column groups.
Note 19: The value collapse seems to have no effect on table columns, table column groups and table row groups. Also child elements of hidden elements, the visibility of which is set to visible , are still not visible. However, only CSS 2.1 contains a specific remark about this. |